Apex Legends Tier List: Best Legends to Use in Season 16 Revelry

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Apex Legends Tier List: Best Legends to Use in Season 16 Revelry

2023-04-14 21:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

As Season 16 is ongoing, let’s take a look at the best Legends to use to secure the most kills and victories in Apex Legends.

ContentsApex Legends Season 16 Legend Tier ListS-TierSeerCausticValkyrieWraithHorizonLobaMad MaggieA-TierPathfinderBangaloreWattsonNewcastleRampartLifelineB-TierMirageGibraltarFuseBloodhoundAshVantageOctaneCatalystRevenantCrypto

Respawn does not put new characters into Apex Legends randomly. Instead, the developers examine a wide range of factors, such as Legends’ pick rate and their performance in unranked, ranked, and competitive matches. Based on these factors, Respawn buffs and nerfs the Legends almost every season.

Season 16 might have witnessed the biggest character changes in the history of Apex Legends. Instead of just buffing and nerfing the characters, Respawn decided to shake up the Legends meta by reworking the entire Legend class.

Season 16 saw no new characters added by Respawn due to the aforementioned Legend-class rework. Even still, the adjustments are substantial, and the game has evolved as a result. With that in mind, let’s dive into the new Season 16 character tier list in Apex Legends.

This Tier list was updated at the beginning of Season 16 Revelry based on pick rate and ongoing character meta. As soon as any character receives any change or the meta shifts, we’ll update the article accordingly.

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Apex Legends Season 16 Legend Tier List

To form a reliable tier list, we considered multiple factors such as the Legends’ abilities, ease of use in ranked and regular matches, their counter, pick rate, popularity within the player base, and more.

Taking all of these things into account, we’ve put Apex characters into three different groups: S-tier, A-tier, and B-tier. The S-tier legends are undoubtedly the dominant Legends in the current meta. Just below them are the A-tier legends, as they can hold their own in a match but can get bested by S-tier legends.

At last, we have B-tier Legends. They are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to pure pick rate and their impact in the game. Simply put, they are average within the current Legend meta.

As with any other tier list, this one is subjective and only viable for season 16 of Apex Legends. Also, this list will be updated in the future based on the introduction of new Legends and meta changes.

TierLegendsBest (S-Tier)Seer, Caustic, Valkyrie, Wraith, Horizon, Loba, Mad MaggieGood (A-Tier)Pathfinder, Bangalore, Wattson, Lifeline, Rampart, NewcastleAverage (B-Tier)Mirage, Gibraltar, Fuse, Bloodhound, Ash, Vantage, Octane, Catalyst, Revenant, Crypto S-Tier Seer SeerCredit: EA

As his utilities are just an upgraded version of Bloodhound and Revenant, he was a must-pick character in the legend meta in season 11. It was tough to find a squad that wasn’t running him as a part of their squad before his post-launch nerf.

Shortly after his release back in season 11, he dropped from the limelight following the nerfs. However, starting from Season 14, Seer’s popularity skyrocketed due to his performance in ALGS. Despite the fact that Seer has been heavily nerfed over the seasons, no other legend can provide as much value to the team as he does.

Caustic CausticCredit: EA

Season 7 Caustic was so effective that Respawn had to nerf him in the mid-seasonal update. And in season 8, Respawn also gave him some additional nerfs. Following these nerfs, his effectiveness was reduced quite a bit.

Currently, Caustic is in a pretty balanced spot. Especially during the last circles. He can turn the tide of a match with his Ultimate and other abilities to hold any building. With the new Support class ring scanning perk, he just got an S-tier upgrade.

Valkyrie ValkyrieCredit: EA

Valkyrie joined the Apex games with the highly anticipated Legacy update. Superior mobility and repositioning capability have made her quite essential for most squads.

On top of that, her Passive highlights enemies from far distances. This ability can also work in conjunction with her Ultimate ability to enter the zone from far distances or fly over squads that are gatekeeping zones. In season 13, Respawn slightly changed her spinning ability during skyward diving. However, it did not have a major impact on her pick rate.

In Season 16, Valkyrie was put in the Skirmisher class. However, except for the ring scanning ability, nothing else has changed. So, she is still a must-pick Legend in Season 16.

Wraith WraithCredit: EA

From day one, Wraith has been at the top of every Apex Legends character tier list. In a way, she is the face of Apex Legends. Very few Legends in this list have held their top position even after many nerfs.

However, in the last few seasons, Respawn made some additional hitbox and ability changes which caused her to drop from the top spot. Despite this, she remains extremely effective at most skill levels.

Nonetheless, as the Season 16 Class rework went live, Wraith got a significant upgrade to her Ultimate ability. Moreover, the new Assault-class perk makes her a great pick as an offensive Legend. So, she is definitely right there with other S-tier Legends in the category.

Horizon HorizonCredit: EA

Horizon took the very top spot back in season 8 of Apex Legends. But her pick rate saw a massive downturn following some consequential nerfs to her tactical ability in season 9. Fortunately, that is no longer the case since her changes were reverted in Season 10.

Consequently, she is in a pretty solid state right now in season 16. Although Respawn nerfed her Tactical ability, Horizon is still a great character and can be a direct alternative to any Assault-class Legend in the game.

Loba LobaCredit: EA

Loba made her debut in the Apex games back in season 5. Initially, she was pretty popular with the Apex community, but as the season passed, her popularity died down quite a bit. Back in season 7, Respawn gave her the Ultimate ability to scoop up all the ammo in range.

Since that wasn’t enough, Respawn allowed her to loot inside unopened care packages, which are now visible with Eye for Quality and accessible through the Black Market Boutique.

In the Season 16 update, Respawn decided not to make any new changes to her as she is in quite a balanced state right now.

Mad Maggie Mad MaggieCredit: EA

Mad Maggie joined the Apex game with the Season 12 update, bringing a lot of energy with her to the new character meta. Her tactical ability made hiding behind a cover more difficult. Additionally, her Passive and Ultimate ability pairs well with shotguns, making her a force to deal with in end-game scenarios.

She hasn’t been that popular since her launch. However, after two long seasons, Mad Maggie finally received some quality buffs that made her a good legend to use after Season 15. Because of her buffs, we can see more Mad Maggies in the Outlands.

A-Tier Pathfinder PathfinderCredit: EA

In season 5, Respawn decided to give Pathfinder a huge nerf. Even after that nerf, players would still choose Pathfinder for its ability to scan survey beacons for the next ring’s location. Since that is no longer exclusive to Pathfinder, this friendly Robot was no longer a part of the new meta in season 6.

But in season 7, MRVN did receive some buff with a variable 30-sec cooldown. However, it turns out that it still wasn’t enough. This friendly Robot has been dropped from the character meta.

However, Respawn finally gave Pathfinder a long-awaited buff in the Season 16 update. Respawn doubled the distance of pathfinder’s Zipline and increased the traveling speed. Moreover, Pathfinder can decrease Zipline cooldown duration just by scanning Care Packages.

Bangalore BangaloreCredit: EA

Bangalore has one of the most balanced kits in the arena. Her kit is neither overpowered nor basic, meaning she is just decent in the new meta. Even Respawn’s developers have agreed that she is currently in a good state in the Season 16 update.

Wattson WattsonCredit: EA

Wattson received the most attention from Respawn with a previous seasonal update of Apex Legends. They gave her a decent rework and buffed almost all of her abilities while adjusting her hitbox model slightly.

All of her powerups combined have made her a decent character in the current fast-paced character meta in the game, meaning she is no longer an average Legend in Season 16. Moreover, her ability to scan rings and take control of any area makes her really viable on any map.

Newcastle NewcastleCredit: EA

Even though Newcastle’s pick rate skyrocketed at the beginning of Season 13, his popularity among the players decreased as time passed. As most players have figured out how to counter Newcastle, and he dropped in popularity at the end of Season 13.

Newcastle got his predestined buff in Season 14 because of his lower pick rate. His buffs made him strong. However, Newcastle didn’t stand a chance in the A or S-tiers because of so many defensive characters.

Nonetheless, thanks to the Legend-class rework, Newcastle is not a defensive character anymore. Newcastle is now a Support Legend with a special perk. Newcastle offers more value in the mid-and late-games than Lifeline. So, he is an easy pick as an S-tier Legend.

Rampart RampartCredit: EA

Rampart was not that useful in season 6 because her abilities would sometimes take an eternity to set up fully. Her amped cover alongside her ultimate “Sheila” can be handy at later stages of the game but it was frustrating to set up correctly.

Back in season 7, Respawn gave her some slight buffs by decreasing the time it takes to set up her utility properly, and in the subsequent Season, she also received more buffs.

Following all the feedback, Respawn listened and gave her a solid rework back in the Evolution collection event. To add more, Respawn has given her more buffs to her Sheila and Amped cover in Season 14. As a result, she is finally in a state to become a strong competitor to other Controller Legends in the current character meta.

Lifeline LifelineCredit: EA

Lifeline also received some rework/buffs back in season 5. Even before all those buffs, she was actually in a pretty decent state in terms of balance. However, the abilities that allowed her to revive two players simultaneously have made her too useful in almost all stages of the game in season 6.

Back in the Legacy update, Respawn removed shields from her passive revive ability, as most players felt really frustrated while dealing with her shields. But on the upside, her ultimate ability ensures an upgrade to the player’s current loot.

Lifeline again received a buff in Season 16. Now her Care Package falls really fast. So, players can easily upgrade their kits before enemies can attack them. However, in the late game, Lifeline doesn’t really provide much value to the team. So, despite being a decent character, she is at the bottom of A-tier Legends.

B-Tier Mirage MirageCredit: EA

Mirage’s rework in season 5 really made the character click for many players. His usage rate among Apex fans grew as his utilities in the game saw some considerable gains in a short amount of time. In season 7, Respawn buffed him by adding 45 health to his decoys.

Back in season 8, Respawn added footstep sounds to his decoys, making him more annoying to deal with. However, in terms of his usability at a high skill level, he is far behind other legends. Respawn made subtle changes to this trickster in the Season 14 update.

Mirage received some decent buffs to his kits in Season 16, making him a good Skirmisher Legend in the game. However, as there are other better Skirmisher alternatives than Mirage, he is just an average Legend despite the buffs.

Gibraltar GibraltarCredit: EA

Gibraltar has been a part of the new meta since season 4. In the new Season, Respawn didn’t make any changes to Gibraltar. Consequently, he is now a pretty balanced legend. Additionally, his popularity has gone up. And his usage rate is now in a pretty solid stage right now in season 14, even after the introduction of Newcastle.

Gibraltar has been a part of the new meta since season 4. In the new Season, Respawn didn’t make any changes to Gibraltar. Consequently, he is now a pretty balanced legend. And his usage rate is now in a pretty solid stage right now in season 14, even after the introduction of Newcastle.

However, Gibraltar has fallen through the tier list because of other Support Legends in the game. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be a popular Legend in the competitive meta.

Fuse FuseCredit: EA

Fuse was added in season 8, but players quickly realized he isn’t actually as overpowered as he seemed at first glance. In the Legacy update, Fuse got a lot of buffs, just like Revenant did a couple of seasons earlier. In season 16, this larger-than-life character has been left unchanged.

Bloodhound BloodhoundCredit: EA

Bloodhound received the S-tier status after season 6’s balance update. As Respawn finally gave Recon characters huge buffs, characters like Crypto and Bloodhound became prevalent overnight.

Unfortunately, in Season 16, Respawn changed Bloodhound’s kits. Instead of making the character more balanced, the developers made Bloodhound worse. So, at this moment, Bloodhound has to stay in the B-tier Legend category.

Ash AshCredit: EA

Ash was the new addition to the game in season 11 of Apex Legends. Even though she was introduced to the game back in season 5 with the broken ghost quest, fans of the Titanfall franchise knew her from the old Titanfall 2 days.

Unsurprisingly, all of her kits are inspired by her Ronin titan. Her tactical provides area control capability while her ultimate creates a oneway portal similar to Wraith. Her abilities combined have made her versatile and a nightmare to deal with in the current meta.

Also, her passive mark for death that provides the location of nearby players via the death box is just icing on the cake. In short, she is in a pretty good state right now in season 16.

Vantage Credit: EA

Vantage is the second newest Legend introduced in Season 14. While her abilities are intriguing to use, she is mostly a good character for long-range use. Her abilities do not actually provide much value for close-quarter combats.

Despite the fact that Vantage can reveal enemy locations by scanning the Survey Beacon, she cannot help her teammates with instant intel on nearby enemies like Seer, Bloodhound, and Crypto. So, she is just not that great in the current meta.

Octane OctaneCredit: EA

Octane received some slight buffs back in season 5. Later, Respawn gave him the ability to use double jumps. In season 7, Respawn buffed him by doubling his healing rate from 0.5 hp/s to 1.0 hp/s. In public matches, his usage rate is relatively high.

Back in season 8, Octane received some massive buffs. And as a result, he became popular in almost all skill buckets. His mobility, paired with auto-heal, has garnered a lot of new fans. And in season 16, Respawn decided not to fix anything that was not broken. Therefore, they left Octane unchanged.

Catalyst Credit: EA

Catalyst was a decent character in Season 15. She was the only counter to Seer and other scan characters. She is also a great Controller Legend, thanks to her abilities to reinforce doors and create a giant ferrofluid wall.

Every new character usually remains popular at the beginning of a new season. However, as time passes, players find counters to their abilities. So, their position on the tier list also changes. As a result, she fell off the list after a while. And right now, in Season 16, she is just an average Controller Legend.

Revenant RevenantCredit: EA

Revenant was released back in season 4. Initially, players avoided him because he was pretty underpowered. Back then, Respawn liked to launch a new character in a pretty neutral state. After players shared their frustration with how underwhelming new legends feel, Respawn seriously started to buff Revenant.

Since his ultimate has unlimited range, he dominated the legacy update. Now in season 16, Respawn decided not to touch him as he is a solid pick in the current state.

Crypto CryptoCredit: EA

Even though Crypto was released back in season 3, players actually started to use this Legend in season 5. Before all the little buffs he received, he was pretty much useless at mid to high-level Apex games.

In the Season 12 update, Respawn finally gave Crypto his long-awaited rework. Although it temporarily bumped his pick rate, his popularity declined in the long run.

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